Thursday, August 17, 2006


Good Morning.

It has been a while since I posted anything to the Blah-g and there are two good reasons for that, at least in my official Blah-ger opinion.

The first reason was the passing of my Father. Those that know me know of my bond that I had with my Father and his passing has had a very pronounced effect on my life. I also lost my Mother 11 months and 17 days prior to losing my Father, so both going in one year is a lot to handle, but handle we shall.

I would like to thank all those that sent me cards, emails and especially those that came to the funeral home to pay their respects to my Father. I will say one thing, as much as I put Staley Communications down for different reasons ( this is not the time to reflect ), two employees of Staley Communications came to the funeral home and met with me during this sad time. A special thanks also to Dan Stevens from 911 for not coming.

Ok, the second reason for not posting to the Blah-g in the last few weeks… Not A Damn Thing Has Changed !

That is sad.

I was listening to a district 4 police officer in a marked car (lights/sirens/emblems on the car) yesterday who was following a DUI driver but couldn’t pull him over because he was out of his jurisdiction. Wait a minute, a cop is a cop, right ? Anyhow, according to 911 Management the whole idea behind this NEW Piece of Crap 800 Meggy Hurts radio system is INTER-OPERABILITY. This district 4 car was attempting to get in touch with a State Police car and was unable to. 911 had to do the relays from OVER THE PHONE.

PRIOR TO INSTALLING THIS FRIGGIN’ Miracle Radio Cyst-Em, that same district 4 police officer would have been able to communicate directly with the state police cars. Now they can’t. IS THAT A STEP FORWARD or do you wear your underwear inside out ?

That district 4 car followed the DUI driver for almost 10 miles as he was weaving in and out of traffic before a state police car could stop it. That was a 10 mile CHANCE of the DUI driver killing someone. With permission, the district 4 car could have stopped the DUI driver 10 miles back instead of putting Mothers and Fathers and their kids at risk. Interoperability my ass.


Also I just finished reading Mark Brammell’s updated Q & A section on the official 911 website and I couldn’t stop laughing. One of the questions was “Will 800 MHz work in this area” and his reply was something to the effect of “Yes if…”. There was a lot of if’s listed and each one takes the reliability of the system down. He also stated that it was the BEST choice for us because we already had ten (10) 800 Mhz frequencies that belonged to us. What he failed to mention was that we are only using FIVE (5) of those frequencies. Ha Ha Ha ! Just because he might own 10 junk cars is that the best choice for selecting a county vehicle ?

The last laugh will be on the county residents when someone is smart enough to file a lawsuit against the 911 Management and MoodyRolla.

If you have found this website by doing a Google for the 800 Mhz system, and you have had a loved one DIE or even have had a slow response to a fire at your home or business, ANYTHING dealing with the response time of Ambulance / Police and / or Fire Departments feel free to contact me.

Chances are the mapping system for your area is screwed up ( a Dan Stevens project ) or your location falls in one of those dreaded DEAD SPOT areas ( a Mark Brammell – Dick Matason Production ).

Besides that I have one more email that I would like to post for you to read, it’s a dilly however I have yet to receive permission from the author to do so. Should I receive the ok to post, I’ll add it to my next Blah-g. Remember, you can feel safe sending me critical and sensitive material, you are always Anonymous to others although I need to know who you are to verify events,

Keep checking my website for new audio clips and until next time or when the 911 Management Changes... ( wishing )

The Blah-ger
Sam W. Jacobs

PS: Should you see Judi Jacobs today wish her a Happy 39th Birthday ! – web sight – tips / news / comments

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