Thursday, August 25, 2005
Emergency Services in the Lower and Upper Burrell, New Kensington, and Arnold areas will have their radio service coverage area greatly reduced until around 10 - 10:30 AM this date due to Motorola System Maintenance (system site work).
Hopefully at some point they will add to or adjust their antennas so some of these known dead spots in the area are corrected.
If you are a service in that area and notice any changes (good or bad) after Motorola has finished with their maintenance I would like to know about it.
Hopefully at some point they will add to or adjust their antennas so some of these known dead spots in the area are corrected.
If you are a service in that area and notice any changes (good or bad) after Motorola has finished with their maintenance I would like to know about it.
Thanks and a Note
Good Morning !
This is a very short MemoBlah-g where I wanted to cover two items.
The first issue was the overwhelming response from my readers of this BLAH-G that offered their messages of condolences and prayers during this time of my personal sorrow and loss in the passing of my beloved Mother, Coral Jane.
Not only did I receive emails from a few at the 911 center and from police and firemen in Westmoreland County, but there were emails from a few that I do not know that had just read the notice of my Mothers passing.
There was an open post made here on the Blah-g from GMan that was especially nice and was very much appreciated.
I wish to thank each and everyone of you for your support and words of kindness.
= = = = = = = = = =
The second item I would like to mention is comments that I have made about the dispatchers in general. With that said I would like to elaborate on the following.
You have to remember that I am not a writer and certainly do not play one here or on TV. Sometimes the points I am trying to make just do not come across right and I would like to straighten up one item that I believe might have been taken the wrong way.
When I point out items like extra long lunch and smoking breaks, receiving personal calls on company time and other issues, I am not applying that you are bad dispatchers. The message I am trying to point out to John Q. Public is that MANAGEMENT at the 911 Emergency Center is P-Poor.
Not everyone is cut out to be a 911 emergency dispatcher (TCO) as it is a very hard job to do taking one distress call after another. At the end of the day you have to be Emotionally Drained and Physically Run Down. My hat goes off to you.
I believe Westmoreland County has an outstanding group of dispatchers now and personally would not want their jobs.
MANAGEMENT on the other hand has a simple 9 – 4:30 PM job and I can’t see anything positive that they have been doing. They certainly haven't looked into any of the major problems that I have pointed out so far.
If they had enough people to staff the place the current dispatchers would be able to take these extra smoke and relaxation breaks without leaving the dispatch room understaffed.
It is my understanding from a source I have at the courthouse that we will soon have another group of new dispatchers which should ease up on this staff shortage. They unfortunately could not tell me a date when their classes will be over and they will be ready to dispatch.
Open Mics, Wrong Addresses, Dead Spots and the other major problems I have mentioned are not the dispatchers fault.
The microphones wouldn’t stay open if the equipment worked right, the addresses would be correct on your CAD display if the map images were updated and there wouldn't be any dead spots if Management got off their butts and had all these problems addressed and corrected.
The dispatchers can only use the tools they have available to them.
I personally feel that besides the normal breaks that a dispatcher gets they should also be allowed “extra floating breaks” where they could take an extra 20-30 minutes just to relax. Those 12-16 hour shifts have to be murder !
Normal Blah-gs to resume this weekend, System News FLASHES will appear at anytime.
Thanks again for your kind emails during this time of my personal loss.
K3SAM – complete guide to WC 911 radio system – your comments and tips