Friday, August 12, 2005
My morning BLAH-G was posted at 6:53 AM, I managed to get to bed around 7:30 AM and I was back up before 10. About 2 hours, damn I slept in !
I am going to attempt to handle this in professional manner.
I had posted on the BLAH-G yesterday that there was a fire chief that called me at my “center” and he told me how much he loved this new system. Not a problem in the world… you know, flowers and roses.
If all of the Fire Chiefs that are emailing me and all of the ones I’ve spoke to in person all dislike this new system because of it’s known problems, and this ONE CHIEF says everything is just fine… then something has to be wrong in Bean Town.
I did some checking this morning with some of my contacts that I have at the courthouse and elsewhere and I found out that this Chief’s Son is a 911 Dispatcher !
So, did a light come on in anyone else’s head too ?
As far as being professional, I am not going to mention this chief by name or fire company. I should be asking you, my readers why I shouldn’t mention his name but perhaps I don’t want to get his son, the dispatcher in trouble.
If you are going to give me a tip or information about our radio system, or email me with some inside information, just be sure of your reasons behind this. If someone at the county is doing something wrong then let me know, do not make anything up !
Since I began writing these BLAH-G’s I’ve made many friends that include Police and Fire Chiefs, other officers and county employees in just about every department including the Department of Public Safety. So anything or tip that you forward to me can be easily checked.
That fire chief should have known that ! As Gomer would have said “for shame, for shame” !
You know I originally started out trying to keep up with Frick and Frack on District 5 police, but then when the system became active I switched my focus into making this system better. You know, so two people could actually hear each other !
Now that I am devoting a lot of time into finding out why the system isn’t working I am also uncovering a bunch of waste.. at least a Half a Million Dollars of ours has been spent on items we did not need, Wasted Money!!
When I originally called and spoke to Mark Brammell at the Department of Emergency Management he said he was going to call me back and never did. The Westmorland County Commissioner’s office has told me several times that Commissioner Tom Balya will be calling me but still has not. The County Controller's Office started to answer some questions but then I was referred back to Mark Brammell and Management.
Round and Round and Round we go
This isn't going to stop until you and I know
They can keep closing doors on me
But that won't stop the Blah-ger from finding the truth, you see
Then I get a call from a fire chief that says his system is working great and that I shouldn’t be “telling people lies”. Is there a cover up brewing ??
As I was getting ready for my winter sleep in this morning I heard an ambulance service say something to the effect “we are now switching over to 800 Mhz operations”. I wasn’t paying too much attention and I was quite tired so I don’t know if they were switching all their radio operations over from this date forward or for that particular call only.
My one antenna is about 55 feet high so even the other counties services come in strong here too.
If you have any info on an ambulance service that has moved over today, please drop me a note.
tips, notes, inside info... please forward to:
I believe I deserve some time to do go out and smell the radio waves. I’m heading over to check on a tower and get some fresh RF Burns. Don’t be stranger than me, or is that don’t be a stranger ?
I’ll be back with I believe some more breaking news in tonight’s issue (or tomorrow morning).
If Management thought they were going to get a break this weekend they were wrong.
Recorder running and so am I.
Good Before Noon and TGIF !
Up again all night, but HEY where is it written that one must sleep at night ? I know some people that stay up all night just because they can.
I know some people that work this shift and go to bed around 8 AM – Heck I’ve even heard recently of people that go to work and sleep on the job !
What would you call someone that goes into work, gets paid $25 an hour… and sleeps ?
That wasn’t a joke. I don’t know the answer and I thought maybe someone out there might know.
Somewhere around 11 PM last night I had to decide whether to make a nice Blah-g with pictures, music, dancing women (click if you’re a women for men – yuck), and a built in "Beer Tap in the Monitor" (not for me, 5 Years with NO Booze !)
OR I could edit some audio recordings and post them for you this morning.
Well, I told the dancing women to go home and I began editing audio.
What I ended up with is a funny clip of Tom and Kenny from Lower Burrell Police, a dispatcher eating her microphone, and Started on the 911 SYSTEM CRASH of JULY 2005 series.
I can tell you right now that the 911 SYSTEM CRASH is going to take at least 10 to 20 parts lasting 3 minutes each. Hell maybe even 50 parts !
If I go longer than 3 minutes for each clip those that have "dial up" modem service will not be able to listen or download.
Each clip took hours to edit down and you have to remember that I have 24 HOURS of recorded audio from the 5th and 6th of July as the 911 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM CRASHED FOR A WHOLE 24 HOURS STRAIGHT !
So let’s get this thing on the road so I can get some sleep !
Click on the Clip you wish to hear.
In these clips you will hear the system begin to crash, people losing communications with each other, tones not setting off fire sirens on the VHF side (everyone knows that 800 Mhz TRS is not allowed by the King of Morland to set off pagers, or is it they aren't smart enough to.. the pagers, not the King)…
One wreck in New Kensington had people rushing to the scene with light and sirens on and the chief on scene CANCELED everybody ! But no one could hear the chief including 911. I could hear him on my $499 investment, but our 13 Million Dollar System couldn't !
Another dispatch was in the Chestnut Ridge area. This is where the fire sirens didn’t sound and someone elses pagers did. Well, while 911 attempted to find the problem no one ever bothered to follow up on the possible fire !
Amazing. The audio started out to be 53 minutes long. After cutting out the dead air and weather reports I got it down to a bit over 6 minutes. Then I cut that in two for Parts 1 and 2.
La da Daaaa, La da Deeee, I'm so happy I could..... see what's next !
Just a funny exchange of words between Kenny and Tom from the Lower Burrell Police Dept. This clip is a month or so old. Please dust before listening.
Another Dispatcher Eating the Microphone. Come on Rich, who is in charge of feeding these dispatchers belly’s ?
AT LEAST give the dispatchers a $10 dollar bill and take them down to Denny’s or $50 dollars and take them to Valozzi’s Restaurant. That’s on George’s Station Road so they should be allowed there !
Have a good morning and remember, I write what’s right.. and the audio never lies.
K3SAM – complete 911 System Guide – listen to live streaming audio from our counties 911 center !
POP is the URL to POP in at and most of the updates were made on the car designator page. Just click on that option for the updates.
OK, I'm going to POP out now so I can finish what I was doing so I can get my BLAH-G ready for TGIF day, where most everyone gets to POP home for the weekend !
I should have a few good audio clips for you at that time too.