Tuesday, August 16, 2005



Today was, oh… Hello, your humble friendly Booger Blah-ger here.

As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, Today was a wonderful day for Westmoreland County scanner listening but I’m sure maybe some of the dispatchers had to actually work extra hard for a change ! Fires, Gun Shots, Wrecks, Cold Lunches, Police Chase… oh boy !

Not that dispatching isn’t a hard job but I mean a tad extra hard today. I have all of the goodies on digital audio however not ready for posting just yet. The files are just to damn big, have to edit out the dead spaces between calls.

PLEASE, could you play some music during those boring times ?

I like Chicago, Beatles of course, all the oldies, no new tunes and trash the country and hip-hop crap. Some where around Noon, would one of the dispatchers please play something from Chicago like “25 or 6 to 10-4”.

I would appreciate it.


What I was working on a good part of Monday was parts 3 and 4 of the BIG 911 SYSTEM CRASH of July 5, 2005. I now have those audio clips finished and posted on my website. This audio series and those clips are going to be the “talk of the town” if not the whole wide web.

Mr. B quoted to a person I know that the system “never crashed”. That much I can honestly put down as a direct quote. The rest I have to paraphrase because I don’t have the exact words, only close.

I'll let my friend Goose Neck Mike entertain you while you read the rest of this interesting part...

Mr. B has said that no towers have ever gone out of service or crashed, the system is fully operational for all those on the system, and .. well the last thing I can’t put in writing. It isn’t too nice and he calls me a name. For shame !

Mr. B, I’m a after you.. after you to fix the system. That’s all. No personal attacks.

You know, when this system is up and working right ( In the year 2525 if man is still alive ) I will NOT be writing about it anymore because there won't be anything more to write about. Simple, huh ?

Perhaps I’ll never write again when this system is back up, err it’s never been up up, only kinda up.

Oh the thought of never writing again makes the BLAH-GER’S FINGERS VERY HAPPY ! I type too fast and sometimes my fingers get tied up in a knot. I almost called 911 once !!

Man I type so fast I could have been a dispatcher ! But with my humor I’d be telling the fire department to go to TAC 19 and would be busy reading the Blah-g in the Bathroom all the time !

I didn’t hear from ANY of Westmoreland County’s Commissioners today but of course I didn’t think Eye Wood. From my Blah-g from yesterday I can take it that the commissioners slept good last night as they still believe this Million Dollar Monkey is still working right.

IN FACT ! Today was a perfect day to use as an example.

If anyone from 911 wants to review your audio tapes DELMONT POLICE entered a building in Delmont last night and was in there for about 5 minutes.


Hello out there, what have I been writing about. 911 had police going to check on the officer as he did not respond to the many many calls for him to check on his safety.

If he would have needed help, or pushed his emergency button from inside that building NOTHING WOULD HAVE HAPPEDED ! Time was approximately 20:40 hrs. I could tell you exactly what time but that’s your job to review your tapes, not mine.

Through-out the day there were numerous times when the units out in the field (mostly medics and police officers) were in dead spots. This is crazy and sometimes I feel I’m just typing for absolutely NO reason what-so-ever.

I mean, Mark reads these everyday – they are all over the building for everyone to read for crying out loud… BUT WHAT ACTION IS TAKEN ? NONE ! There are still dead spots and towers and transmitters still breaking and going off the air. That means no coverage in that area until they are fixed. Remember, no backup system in place folks.

The dispatchers have no control over that (except maybe that one nice sounding ‘lady, she might be over exciting the transmitters!) but the technicians do. Why aren’t the technicians out with portable radios all day testing buildings and other areas for dead spots ? Get JoePo and the other Staley techs out in the different apartment buildings trying the radios on every floor and the basement. I would rather have them find the dead spots then a fire department out on a call, right !?

WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HOURLY ROLL CALL IDEA ? Maybe enough police Chiefs are not reading this. Perhaps a few phone calls might be in order.

I have another audio project that I am going to start today. This is going to be a “by request” type deal and I think everyone will like it but all the firefighters will especially think it’s great. In fact I’m going to start on it in just a few minutes once I put some kind of an ending on this thing.

The person that sent me in that audio thingy idea (you’ll find out soon enough) is now in the running for my CD of the month filled with WC audio clips. If you forgot, when you turn in tips, inside information from that place where you work, police fire and EMS stuff you'll get entered into the contest.

On the 17th, that’s Wednesday guys and gals… the Boogerette will be pulling out a name from my good old Lottery Hat and that person will win the CD. No charge, no tax, no shipping, no ship.

If you have any tips, you still have time to get them in. So far I have received many personal private tips, some from fire departments, police officers and county workers. No EMS this month though (to my knowledge). Send your tips to
news@k3sam.com !

Breakfast ! HAHAHA ! Nothing again. I was going to buy breakfast for all of the Booger’s Readers but I checked the BLAH-GER BANK and I’m something like 13.6 Million in the hole. Can anyone take me out for breakfast, lunch, or dinner ?

I have a Fluterbooperfart Tangphanoodle Gadget Thingy I invented that will help make the radio communications system work, I wonder if the county is interested in buying it ? It’s Red !


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