Tuesday, July 12, 2005




I saw a TOWER yesterday.

Not just your ordinary back yard amateur radio tower at 50 feet, but THE MOTHER OF ALL TOWERS at about 350 feet. Right at MY feet !

Each day as I go to visit my Mother here in Trobeland I look to the north and see this huge son-of-a-bitch smiling at me in the distance. Monday I decided that it was TIME WE MET !

So, after my visit with Mom I put on my Boogy Cape and threw my Boogy-Mobile into 3 wheel drive, and I was off climbing the scenic hills and dells leading to the beast. At about a mile away I had to stop and take a picture… it was just so big and awesome !

Look on the left hand side of the tower for that little thingy sticking up above the trees. That's a telephone pole just to show you how high the tower is.

As I got closer I started to get geese bimples on my arms. As I made the final approach, turning the last curve, my entire body was covered in bimples and I was awestruck at the tower’s beauty and it’s command over the valley ! A CROWN CREATION of MIGHTY MAGNITUDE.

It was high noon when I arrived at the site so some of the photos that I took looking upwards are a bit washed out however in some cases that adds to the background of the shot as it did in the photo above.

I took tons of photos of this tower and I’m not going to post them all here on the BLAH-G however I will be updating my website today so you can find them there.

I don’t have to guess as to whether or not our Department of Public Safety is using this tower as it is clearly marked on the fence around the tower's parameter that it IS.

The message on the Yellow Sign states the tower is used for local emergency communicaitons.

Enjoy the photos here and check out the rest of them on my website later.


It is going to be another HOT and MUGGY day today so, some guidelines to help your scanner get through it.

Keep your scanner out of the direct sunlight.

Cut down on it’s meals however still no liquid intake.

Plenty of shade for those microprocessors, place an umbrella over them if they will be outside.

Place sunglasses across the LCD display. (old LED displays are ok w/o the sunglasses)

Pressing 2-6-6-5 (COOL) on the keyboard will make it feel artificially better.

Leave it’s earphone jack unplugged today for better air circulation.

And finally keep it’s antenna pointed away from the sun, UV rays can be disturbing at these temperatures.


A 911 DISPATCHER on the Medical Dispatch Desk initially reported that a caller had a “Domestic Laceration on the hand”. In my infinite curiosity I was wondering what the difference is between a Domestic Laceration and a Foreign Laceration ?

Is a foreign laceration one where you get cut overseas and come back to the states to call 911 ? Or is it when a foreigner comes up to you and cuts you ?

Thinking again.. but this one would be tough, someone else could have a laceration and give it to you as a present ! That would be nice of them however I do believe I would refuse the gift saying that it was against my neighbors religion.


In light of a slow news day I will give Scotty some headlines here while also mentioning that the read is good, so don’t skip over this if you are looking for a portable scanner for this summer.

Scotty informed me again last night that he was “one number off”. I told him that several years ago however I guess he is just now seeing the light ! He was outside a good bit of the day yesterday with his new Uniden BC 396T portable scanner and said that the reception was great however he was still hearing a lot of digi-crap (the noise heard on a scanner when it will not lock and decode the information properly).

Further he noticed that the receive inside his home is very poor. Normally this is not worth reporting because inside reception is normally poor in most houses but Scotty J. just happens to live on top of a big hill, like Dr. Seuss.

The house on the hill with Scotty a-still has reception that is in very poor manner,
When out came a signal that jumped passed, no deal that made poor Scotty wishing for a better scanner.

Seriously he loves the “look and feel” of this new 396-T but he did say that he just got back from looking at a PRO-96 again. Let’s take bets, my bet is that he will have a PRO-96 by the end of summer !


Without getting into extreme details I have been referring to 911 a lot in a negative way when mentioning it’s management lately and now I would like to explain why.

I have some simple questions concerning this new multi-million dollar radio system that I would like answered. I will not list the questions here because it would take too long however what I did was called the 911 center to inquire.

I spoke to Saundra Singer, the Executive Secretary first and then she transferred the call over to Mark Brammell, Deputy Director of the Department of Public Safety.

I did speak to Mark however only for a short minute or two. During that call Mark told me that he was “very busy” at the moment however would make some time available and call me back by the end of the day or tomorrow. That was over two weeks ago.

Further, the 911 coordinator (name left out for the moment however it is public knowledge) and I have been friends for years. I knew him back when he was “on the job” in the City of Greensburg and I helped him with the Greensburg City S.W.A.T. team when I was Radio Maintenace.

I have placed several calls to his office, once getting his secretary and the other times his voice mail. Each time I left him a message. To date he has not called me back either and I know he's not on vacation because I hear him on the air.

Isn’t it polite to return a call, especially when you say you will ?

It is not like I want to know how much they drink or how much money they lost on the Superbowl this year, I just want some facts that have to deal with the New 911 System that I helped pay for.

In fact, each and everyone of us that owns a regular or cell phone has helped pay for this system with all those “Public Safety Emergency Telephone Act (911) Fees” that we pay ! It is not cheap, neither is the 911 Center.

Ok, so there you have it. I know 911 reads this as they tell me they do. It's almost required reading.. so Mark, you have my number. I would like to ask you questions concerning this system so that I can tell all the readers the answers, so please call.


He he ha ha, sorry for that outbreak. It was funny in a way the other night when I was pounding at this keyboard late as always and got up for a Coke refill. When I got into the kitchen I could hear yelling and screaming outside… a woman was yelling for help and it wasn't the Boogerette !

I was thinking, should I throw on my Underdog Suit, or call 911. I smiled and dialed.

I think it was Dispatcher Bill that answered the phone. I said hello and gave him the quick details. He was quick and had the Latrobe Cop Cars here quickly.

The screaming girl was GOA when Latrobe’s Finest arrived but I want to thank 911 for 2 things.

First they DID NOT ask me for the TON of ID verification they normally do. My phone number along with name and address automatically appear on their screen when I call (as yours does too) and that takes an extra 5 minutes to go through.

And Secondly they dispatched immediately without hast. I mean I can listen to these guys (and do) all day and night, and I got VIP treatment ! Thank you ! Perhaps they liked my song "BADBOYZ" as some of their voices are on it.

Too bad the girl was gone that we were trying to help. It wasn’t because we didn’t try.

Mark, call… everyone else I’ll Boogy-at-cha Later.

Have a good Afternoodle and enjoy your Coffee Soup and Egg Shell Salad with your Chocolate Mooseshake.


Email yours truly with all news and tips: news@k3sam.com

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