Sunday, February 26, 2006


Vomit, that's it !


A phew things on my list to write about… while it’s 6:00 AM and Boomer, the wonder puppy has one eye closed and the other cautiously watching me.

Yesterday ( Saturday February 25, 2006 ) morn’ at about 07:34:58 AM the Westmoreland County 800 Megga Hurts system must have blown a tire patch as it went into critical shutdown. Not that you could tell anything on the air however something happened that threw up a RED FLAG at 911. I hope my informants come through and tell me what that was so I can report it to you as I only have a way to tell something happened, but not what.


On Friday night I believe, there was a fire that required activation of Harrison City Fire Station 87, the fire station where Mark Brammell is an officer. Mark is also our 911 Deputy Director under Richard Matason.

Remember now folks, I am NOT picking on the Harrison City Fire Department… so I guess that means I’m picking on Mark, eh ?

My point is that MARK got on his radio and talked back to 911 on Talk Group 200, Fire Dispatch as a fireman. In fact I believe another officer of the Harrison City Fire Department also got on Talk Group 200, Fire Dispatch and was talking back to 911 !

Not a word was said by 911 about MOVING OFF OF THAT TALK GROUP… WHY ?

Talk Group 200 on the 800 Meggy Hurts Cyst-Em IS THE FIRE DISPATCH “Channel”. The same channel that ALL THE OTHER FIRE CHIEFS get YELLED AT for using.

The same Talk Group that I have MULTIPLE AUDIO CLIPS of on my website of 911 Screaming “GET OFF THE FIRE DISPATCH CHANNEL”.

One and the same Talk Group where many a wrecks have been called in on ONLY TO HAVE 911 NOT TAKE THE REPORT and FORCE others to MOVE to another Talk Group and REPEAT the details of the wreck ALL OVER AGAIN ! EVEN OTHER FIRE CHIEFS.

THE VERY SAME TALK GROUP that you now find Mark and other Harrison City Firemen using WITHOUT getting yelled at for using !!!

What is this, some people get special treatment ? There is a reason people other than 911 dispatchers are suppose to stay off that Talk Group ! Reason: to keep it open for OTHER fires to be dispatched ! More than one fire or wreck can happen at the same time, and usually does SO STAY OFF Talk Group 200… unless you are a Harrison City Fireman, I guess.

Oh, I forgot to mention that other firemen from Station 87 also hold positions at 911.

So, if you work at 911 and are a Harrison City Firefighter too, you are allowed to CLOG UP the Fire Dispatch Channel without getting YELLED at.

Sorry, I’m just trying to clear this up in my head.

No one can use that Talk Group except Dispatcher’s AT 911 who are currently DISPATCHING a FIRE or WRECK… and any Harrison City Fireman. Ok, I’m starting to understand.

I do believe they call this SPECIAL TREATMENT.

Similar to giving a public servant CASH under the table, then EXPECT him or her to do you SPECIAL FAVORS. There is a word for that… hmmm. VOMIT, that’s it.


Also on my list of things to comment on is the use of FIRE TAC channels. Who controls those, the Dispatchers or the Dispatcher’s computer ?

On Saturday night, early Sunday morning there was a vehicle accident in Larimer, Fire Station #1 and an ATV accident in Slickville, Fire Station #59 and they were BOTH ASSIGNED FIRE TAC 5.

Actually if I remember correctly, Station #59 had the TAC Channel and were ALMOST done with it, not quite though… and on comes Larimer, Station #1 going IN SERVICE while Station 59 was still waiting on a MediVac to lift off.


So was this a dispatcher error or computer error, and who’s on first ?

BLAME It on Joe N., after all he is on personal leave. But who is that sitting at Joe N.'s desk ? DAN STEVENS !! Where have I heard that name before ?

Isn't he the one that got the brand new COMPANY BIG Truck to do his grocery shopping in. The same one that is to go on all Hazmat calls and other calls that require a command set-up because in his truck are special tables and chairs and a lime green coat ? But has failed to go to ANY CALLS AT ALL until it was exposed in this Blah-g !

Isn't he the one that is in charge of the mapping program that sends our fire and ambulance services to the wrong addresses all the time ?

Isn't he the one providing FREE TAXI SERVICE to Verizon Employees ?

And now he is "acting" 911 Coordinator for Joe N. ?

Has he ever taken Acting Lessons ?

God save the queen, wherever HE is today !


I had mentioned a guest Blah-g is being written for you. Update: the guest Blah-g is still being written, it’s just that it isn’t just going to be a bunch of words thrown together… this is going to be a Blah-g that even the Blah-ger would be proud of.

In due time… in due time.

No more nexts, only a last.

I have come to the conclusion that This Radio Cyst-Em that WE were FORCED to USE is only as good as THOSE IN POWER. For example, if the commissioners would get off their duffs and get together with our 911 management, and then management would get together with radio maintenance… things MIGHT work.

Things just are not getting any better after the first YEAR and if the people talk to each other at least there is a chance it will work a HELL of a lot better than it is now, just LISTEN TO THE NEW AUDIO CLIPS I POSTED ON MY WEBSITE for the horror stories in sound.

Of course REPLACING THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS and 911 MANAGEMENT MIGHT BE A BETTER START, then have them talk to each other.

Lack of communications. That is why I was pushing for a “work group”, so that everyone could get together and talk. I wanted to include the Police, EMS, and Firemen in this “work group” along with a few concerned citizens of Westmoreland County and the Media.

To date the Commissioners have never called me. Not even to take me out to dinner or offer to give me one of those COUNTY OWNED VEHICLES to drive around in for free like Dan Steven's, Mark Brammell and Rich Matason drive around in.

They haven’t even offered me $50,000 to STOP writing about this crappy radio cyst-em and it’s poor management. Damn !

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