Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Another One For The Record !
Good Day.
Apparently the Guest Blah-g went over so well that I received another email of equal importance that I would like to use as part of today’s Blah-g.
You know something ? I am beginning to see a trend, and THIS IS GOOD. More and more of you are getting as pissed as I am that 911 Management and the County Commissioners pushed this lame radio system on us and we really had NO SAY in it what-so-ever ! Wham, Bam, thank you Taxpayer !
I would like to propose to all the loyal readers of this Blah-g that you consider a Monthly Meeting to discuss THIS RADIO SYSTEM as a whole and discuss the ways WE can CHANGE IT (Read, Fix). Whether that means junk it, sell it, upgrade it or replace it. After all, the system BELONGS to US, the taxpayers so we should have a say so on what type of system is used, especially those that use them every day.
Think about it… would you be interested in attending a meeting to perhaps examine this system, find out what we can do about it, and maybe find out how we can get someone to start APPROVING some of these purchases that 911 Management has been making.
It seems to me that we need a new position within 911 created to oversee daily operations and spending. New vehicles, cell phones, so many extra PERKS that WE pay for, I SAY ENOUGH. Let them drive their own vehicles purchased with their own money, pay their own cell phone bills, buy their own lunch and dinners !
If there is such a department at 911 now they are SLEEPING at the switch and they need to be fired ( it’s our money and our system ).
If I didn’t think I could make a difference I would NOT BE WRITING THIS. Can you help in this effort.
The only requirements are that you have an interest in designing a radio system that works for this county, want to stop this crazy spending 911 has been doing, and be a resident of WC.
Most people that defend this system and say it is working right do not have a clue on how it operates, they do not realize that a small “studder” or “burp” with the software could take the whole system down… and that’s just for beginners.
The whole radio system is dependant on “TELEPHONE LINES” ! I’m not talking about the 911 phone lines that come in the building that the dispatchers answer, I’m referring to business professional quality T1 data communication lines. If something happens to those lines then the whole radio system or parts of it could go down.
But that could never happen… again, could it ? It’s happened more than once on this system that I can remember but, who cares.
Ok, enough of my ramblings.. here is your GUEST BLAH-G…
+++++ guest Blah-g +++++
I just wanted to drop you a line and say..It's nice to know someone out there feels the same as us. Like your other emails, I would like to remain Anonymous because of positions we hold.
For the record, several area ambulance services approach 911 officials prior to the distribution of the 800 radios. We wanted to know why that named ambulance service in Greensburg was receiving so many radios. Especially when they are not dispatch by the county's 911 center, nor do they follow any of the county's dispatching procedures.
You are so right, why should they get 50+ portable and so many mobile radios when I (who is dispatched by the 911 and follow the guidelines) can not operate on a day-to-day basis because I did not receive nearly enough radios for my units. The answer we received was because some radio committee made this decision. Well, if you look at this committee, there was no representation from EMS. Folks were asked to join the committee when it was formed but later told the positions were filled, but in reality they were not. Today I believe there is still no EMS representation at these meetings. Oh wait a minute.. there was one EMS rep., Scott Graham. Hmmmm, is he not from Mutual Aid? Maybe that is how they received so many radios.
I often wondered if the only way we will get a fair shake is to start our own regional dispatch center, and then petition the phone companies for the 911 fees. I have learned through the years that our county's 911 center makes the rules up as they go along, and it always is used to benefit them.
Maybe if we have police, fire and EMS agencies unable to speak with the county's dispatch center, the news might be interested in this story. Besides that seems to be the only thing that gets their attention.
Well enough blabbering. Keep up the good work, you have the support of the services.
+++++ end guest Blah-g +++++
Thanks and to all the Police, EMS, and Firemen in Westmoreland County (and everywhere) KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK despite a radio system that was not intended for use in this area…
God Bless you, may you Work For Our Safety Always and may we always show you the respect that you deserve.
http://800.k3sam.com - website
news@k3sam.com - tips and comments