Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Just 4 Fun...
Did ya hear...
Two men were driving through Washington Township when they got pulled over by a Washington Township Police Officer. The cop walked up and tapped on the window with his nightstick.
The driver rolled down the window and "WHACK," the cop smacked him in the head with his nightstick.
"What the hell was that for?" the driver asked.
"You're in Washington Township, son," the officer answered. "When we pull you over in Washington Township, you better have your license ready by the time we get to your car."
"I'm sorry, officer," the driver said, "I'm from Latrobe and didn't know your laws here."
The officer runs a check on the guy's license - he's clean and gives the guy his license back. The officer then walks around to the passenger side and taps on the window.
The passenger rolls down the window and "WHACK," the officer smacks him on the head with the nightstick.
"What'd you do that for?" the passenger demands.
"Just making your wish come true," replied the officer.
"Making WHAT wish come true?" the passenger asked.
"Because I know you Rolling Rock types," the officer says, "two miles down the road you're going to turn to your buddy and say, I wish that asshole would've tried that shit with me!"
Just for fun 5-0... and Decoded,
K3SAM - website - comments / tips / 911 horror stories ! / More photos of the 911 center !!
No Disrespect !
Good Morning !
I really don’t have the time to post a Blah-g this morning however I received an email that I just had to comment on.
First off I will not say who the email was from, only that it was from a ranking member of the Harrison City Fire Department, Station 87. That is the same fire station that Mark Brammell belongs to, and Mark is the Westmoreland County Department of Public Safety "911" Deputy Director.
The email basically told me to Stop Dragging the Harrison City Fire Department into my Blah-gs. He also implied that I was showing disrespect towards the firemen at Harrison City.
If you are a follower of this Blah-g you will know that I only report the favoritism that is shown to that fire station ( as reported to me ), due to the fact that Mark is, I think the Assistant Chief.
What you have is a top officer of a fire department who is also a top official at 911. OF COURSE HIS STATION WOULD RECEIVE MORE PERKS, just like Mark receives Perks at 911 like a free vehicle to drive around in, free trips, free meals, etc... It is because that station receives more perks than other fire stations that I write about it.
In NO WAY have I been disrespectful to any fire fighter at the Harrison City Fire Station. PERIOD.
I only report… you decide !
I can’t really say anything good about the person that sent me the email except he signed it. He accused me of being involved in a “Pissing Contest” with the county. How can this be a pissing contest when it takes TWO ( at least ) to have a contest. So far the COUNTY HAS REFUSED to participate with any response to my accusations, so NO CONTEST.
Maybe that’s where the court system gets the term “NO CONTEST”. The Blah-ger says the 800 Meggy Hurts System was not worth installing and my Audio Clips PROVE how BAD the Cyst-Em really is AND the Westmoreland County Department of Public Safety cannot prove otherwise… so in effect “NO CONTEST”.
To me this was like Motorola saying to a group of people “if you install our system we will give you cars, vacations, free gas, dinners, clothes, and free money to spend”.
Who else bid on the contract ? Who has seen the contract ?? I attempted to get a copy of the contract from Westmoreland County and what they gave me was an OLD contract for the repair of our VHF system.
That is a joke in itself. WE STILL PAY TO HAVE THE OLD RADIO SYSTEM OPERATIONAL. The joke is on you and me because the only one that benefits with that is Staley Communications… It is OUR MONEY INTO THE BANK ACCOUNTS OF STALEYS FOR A SYSTEM WE DO NOT USE !!
Getting back to Harrison City Fire Department… I repeat, this Blah-g has NEVER shown any disrespect to that department or any of it’s members.
The people that tell me that Harrison City Fire Department gets special treatment ARE members of that fire department, 911 dispatchers AND Technicians at Staley Communications.
911 is still having 800 Mhz problems ( listen to my audio clips ), 911 is still having problems with the LOW BAND FIRE DISPATCHING, 911 is now having problems BREAKING IN new dispatchers so if you get a dispatcher that does seem to know what they are talking about… just remember they are learning. I hope it doesn’t cost anyone their lives due to an incorrect ambulance service or fire station being dispatched. Can’t have errors like that !
K3SAM – website / audio clips and more – feedback / comments / 911 horror stories
AUDIO CLIPS - DIRECT LINK - CLICK HERE - new clips added often
"My Radio Works Fine ! HONEST ! I also live in a glass house, wear green underwear, smoke bananas, like to dress up goats and burn money to stay warm... Come and Visit sometime "