Friday, September 30, 2005
H O W D Y ~ ~ N E I G H B O R S !
Today being Friday I was hoping to have a nice long Blah-g for you however if you remember I mentioned that I'm working on something BIG and this morning alone a had around 25 emails to answer.
So it was either answer all those emails or write a nice long Blah-g. The emails took priority as those emails could possible CHANGE the outcome of this world as we know it... or at least give everyone a BETTER radio system.
I did manage to acquire a photo of this mornings "top secret" meeting !
Also the employee of the month was a three way tie, so along with the meeting photo I happened to snap a photo of the wall plaque too... there you go !
Give me some times folks, I'm really trying to fix things here with your communications system so that it does work right !
Come on 911, they were promised to have their system ON LINE over 2 weeks ago and the DAMN RADIOS aren't even programmed yet.
See, that's the type of stuff I've been side tracked with.
The first item of business is to FIX THE SYSTEM and get rid of the DEAD SPOTS and now it appears the second item of business is to GET MORE RADIOS, GET THEM INSTALLED, PROGRAM THEM CORRECTLY AND PUT THEM ON LINE.
This is Friday... how about getting NORVELT on line with the system on Monday.
Is that possible or would it take away from someones facial time ?
Besides all this BULL Norvelt Ambulance really doesn't have enough radios. This is not just with Norvelt Ambulance, this goes for JUST ABOUT EVERY ambulance service, fire and police department in Westmoreland County.
As much as these first responders are suppose to count on these radios to get a hold of 911, 911 should at least give them the minimum amount of radios that they need !
Besides, most of the time 911 doesn't monitor the "old" frequencies anymore, it's all 800 Folks !
Hey, new Audio Clips were posted, have fun !
In closing I would like to mumble and curse in the secure mode however knowing me I would get flustered and press the emergency button by mistake, so everyone (yes, everyone) have a safe and happy weekend and enjoy life.
K3SAM - web site and sight - audio clips and clops
"Extracate the quadraped into the vehicle and consabulate into something nutritious, and when the arrora rises in the Heavens I will return and complensate the amply."
Today being Friday I was hoping to have a nice long Blah-g for you however if you remember I mentioned that I'm working on something BIG and this morning alone a had around 25 emails to answer.
So it was either answer all those emails or write a nice long Blah-g. The emails took priority as those emails could possible CHANGE the outcome of this world as we know it... or at least give everyone a BETTER radio system.
I did manage to acquire a photo of this mornings "top secret" meeting !
Also the employee of the month was a three way tie, so along with the meeting photo I happened to snap a photo of the wall plaque too... there you go !
Give me some times folks, I'm really trying to fix things here with your communications system so that it does work right !
Come on 911, they were promised to have their system ON LINE over 2 weeks ago and the DAMN RADIOS aren't even programmed yet.
See, that's the type of stuff I've been side tracked with.
The first item of business is to FIX THE SYSTEM and get rid of the DEAD SPOTS and now it appears the second item of business is to GET MORE RADIOS, GET THEM INSTALLED, PROGRAM THEM CORRECTLY AND PUT THEM ON LINE.
This is Friday... how about getting NORVELT on line with the system on Monday.
Is that possible or would it take away from someones facial time ?
Besides all this BULL Norvelt Ambulance really doesn't have enough radios. This is not just with Norvelt Ambulance, this goes for JUST ABOUT EVERY ambulance service, fire and police department in Westmoreland County.
As much as these first responders are suppose to count on these radios to get a hold of 911, 911 should at least give them the minimum amount of radios that they need !
Besides, most of the time 911 doesn't monitor the "old" frequencies anymore, it's all 800 Folks !
Hey, new Audio Clips were posted, have fun !
In closing I would like to mumble and curse in the secure mode however knowing me I would get flustered and press the emergency button by mistake, so everyone (yes, everyone) have a safe and happy weekend and enjoy life.
K3SAM - web site and sight - audio clips and clops
"Extracate the quadraped into the vehicle and consabulate into something nutritious, and when the arrora rises in the Heavens I will return and complensate the amply."