Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Here it is Tuesday already and I must say that I lost a day somewhere. Honestly cannot remember what happened between Friday and Monday. Monday felt like Sunday, Sunday seemed like Saturday and Saturday also seemed like Saturday. I cannot remember Friday at all ! This should be Wednesday. Mind you, I do not drink and I’m not on drugs. I am a bit strange though, I’ll give you that.
So, if anyone happens to find the day I’m missing please email it to me or drop it off at the Latrobe Waste Management Plant. Just tell them it’s for the Booger Blah-ger and I’m sure they will have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about.

Project Status is as follows, one DONE and the other in PROTOTYPING. The 800 Mhz Antenna is what I am prototyping and testing now with good enough success that I am going to go ahead and build it to the specs that I planned (currently on cardboard tubing and stuff). Most likely I will build several and have a few friends test them with me. I’ll keep you up to date.
The project that I finished requires a leading paragraph or three of explanation.
As a youngster I had an extreme interest in AM/FM broadcasting. That lead me to acquire my broadcast license at an early age and by the time I was 13 I was in charge of running the church broadcasts on Sunday Morning at WTRA (now WCNS) in Latrobe, Pa. That was BIG to a young just turned teenager ! Me, running a radio station.
How a round disc with grooves could go from that form to music in someone’s ears hundreds of miles away turned my interest from disc-jockey to the electronics and engineering field. When I was 15 I had my own evenings and weekend shows on WQTW, plus I would repair the equipment in my spare time. In the evenings after sign-off (remember that) I would head into the production studio and PLAY. I would mix, cut and produce music, commercials and other different types of media.
Back then we just had a very fast 15ips TEAC floor model reel to reel tape recorder and a tape splicing block to do all of our editing. Today we have computers and computer programs to help do that. All that we provide is talent. If you don’t believe it takes some talent, try to edit a song and make it sound as good as the BIG guys.
Now we are at my finished project. I took the AUDIO that I have recorded over the last few months from the new WESTMORELAND COUNTY POLICE 800 MHZ RADIO SYSTEM and put some MUSIC behind it. Put them TOGETHER and you have a new SONG dedicated to WESTMORELAND COUNTY FINEST'S ! It took hours and hours of work but I finished the project late last night and have it posted on the WWW now. Later on today I will put a link on my website so that you can listen to it.
Some of the Police Services you will hear in the song are;
and That's Not All ! Plus you will hear a few of the Westmoreland County Police Dispatchers Too !
The song lasts 3:45 Minutes and is 8,810Kb in size. It's in your standard .mp3 format. Broadband and DSL users will have no problems listening or downloading it, dial up customers can listen but the song may be choppy at times or might fail to load. I may offer it by mail at some point upon request.
If you are a police officer or dispatcher in Westmoreland County YOU MIGHT HEAR YOUR VOICE on it ! Andy Say's "Ummmm Goood"

You can find that SONG on my WEB SITE later today. Keep checking on http://800.k3sam.com for the announcement.
Enjoy and tell me what you think ! news@yahoo.com
Some more ambulances are NOW on 800 Mhz ! If you are use to hearing Medics 120, 121, 122, 123, 125 and a bunch of other medic services mostly around the New Kensington Area on a conventional VHF scanner… no more. You’re going to have to make the jump and purchase a new Radio Shack (GRE) scanner. I know Bearcat makes the 796D but trust me, the GRE is far superior ! Radio Shack does not pay me to say that. My electronics background and the fact that I owned both types of scanners says that. I say again, buy the PRO-2096 or the PRO-96 and you will NOT be sorry.
You can download all the needed files for Westmoreland County on my website. The direct link is http://downloads.k3sam.com. This is a FREE service as is everything this Booger does.
Ligonier Medics and Station 706 have been on 800 Mhz also but not dispatched there yet.
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Westmoreland County's Guild To 800 Mhz
Listen Live - Streaming Police Audio From GMan
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(many thanks to my better half, the Boogerette for her understanding and help in making "the song")