Friday, June 02, 2006



It should be a Good Morning for most of us, it is for the Blah-ger.

This will be a short Friday Blah-g as I there are only two things that I want to discuss with my readers today and I’m really not in the mood to review how bad this 800 Mhz emergency radio Cyst-Em (system) is that Motorola dumped on the Citizens of Westmoreland County Pennsylvania.

If you wish to read how the County got the Shaft from our Commissioners and Motorola, just review this Blah-g… it’s good reading.

In my last Blah-g I said:

over a year of polite suggestions and error tracking...
911 Management hasn't taken the hint...
The County Commissioners (Moe, Larry and Curly) haven't taken the Blah-g seriously;”

I have been ask to elaborate exactly what I meant by that from a few readers and although I would love to, at this time I believe by doing so I would upset the Turnip Truck. I for one hate to pick Turnips up so I am going to fall back on a photograph. They say "a picture is worth a thousand words".

Senator Bob Regola and yours truly after our May 31st Meeting

My afternoon meeting with Senator Bob Regola proved to me how dedicated the Senator is to our First Responders. Our hour long plus meeting was one of the best hours I have ever spent and you will definitely hear more about our meetings in future Blah-gs however today just isn’t the day.

The second item I would like to touch on this morning is Mutual Aid Ambulance Service’s use of OUR 800 Mhz Emergency Radio Cyst-Em. I have already pointed out on many occasions that they HOG up valuable 800 Mhz frequency usage with their “Taxi Service”, carting patients from point A to point B when all of this should be handled by either their cell phones or on their own VHF Frequency of 155.715 Mhz.

The use of the 800 Mhz system for this purpose is CRIMINAL !

However that is not the angle of Mutual Aid that I want to comment on today.

I was told by someone very close to that BUSINESS (Mutual Aid, Greensburg) that they are very upset with me for exposing what they are doing. Unfortunately that is what this Blah-g does, expose flaws within this system whether it be equipment problems or problems using the equipment.

HOGGING the frequencies by dispatching VANS all over Westmoreland and Allegheny Counties for the purpose of “Taxiing” patients is NOT AN EMERGENCY and should be kept off of the 800 Mhz Frequencies.

THIS MORNING at 07:30 AM there was a fully involved house fire in Vandergrift Borough. The transmissions from the fire departments were fast and furious… all the while Mutual Aid Ambulance Service was DISPATCHING THEIR VANS.

This is CRIMINAL !

If you are the Vandergrift #1 (Fire Station 51) or Vandergrift #2 (Fire Station 50) Fire Chief and you had problems using your radios during this WELL INVOLVED WORKING HOUSE FIRE this morning, you can BLAME MUTUAL AID AMBULANCE as they were HOGGING THE 800 MHZ SYSTEM with their TAXI SERVCIE !

That is MY OPINION, and I’m sorry if I ruffled the feathers of any Mutual Aid Employee, but this is NOT directed towards you, this is directed to YOUR MANAGEMENT. They should STAY THE HELL OFF THE RADIOS unless they are using them for EMEGENCY DISPATCH ONLY.


Now if you have a different opinion than I do on this subject, or you think I am wrong, the way I look at it is you have two choices. First Choice is to start your own Blog and tell the world why you are using this emergency radio system to dispatch Vans that will take Mr. Gooberhopper from Dr. Fungus’s Office to Frick Hospital for his annual toe jam removal… or your Second Choice is to STOP using this system for NON-EMERGENCY TAXI SERVICES.

If you are an OWNER of Mutual Aid Ambulance Service, Incorporated (it is a business after all) or a responsible spokesperson in Management for them, I will publish ANY response from you here on this Blah-g should you disagree with this Blah-ger’s findings. Just send a signed email to:

Again, my two points for today… the ball is rolling and you can consider this a starting point where words have ended and action has begun. If you are in 911 Management, if I were you I would begin to purchase the Greensburg Tribune Review and keep your eyes fixed on those jobs and positions that are open. And if you with Mutual Aid Ambulance Service AS AN EMPLOYEE these comments are NOT directed towards you… UNLESS YOU ARE MANAGEMENT.

GET OFF 800 !

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