Thursday, May 04, 2006


I Can't get no, no Siren Activation... NO NO NO !!! Hey Hey Hey !


Issue: 911 – the RADIO CYST-EM. Down Again on May 2nd.
Quick: No Control Signal on the system for about an hour.
Item: My screen logs as well as GMans show NO SYSTEM ACTIVITY from around 16:20 to 17:20 Hours. Plus NO Audio Received from the Cyst-em.

The Radios in Westmoreland County could not possibly have worked because the 25 Million Dollar System we bought from Motorola was BROKE.

Of course we don’t have a back up system so…


Why ? I could take several guesses. First, this Trunked Radio System Requires a Control Signal to Make The Radios and basically the whole system work. If the Main Brain is down ( and I don’t mean R. Matason ) then nothing happens. Kind of like turning off your computer at home, if it’s off nothing will happen.

Then there is the issue of the T1 / T3 Telephone Lines. That is how each of the 26 tower sites get their information, via the phone lines.

Very STUPID, NOT NFPA approved, NOT DHS approved, but true.

This did not involve just one tower site, it involved ALL the tower sites so that would narrow the problem down to VERIZON’S MAIN CENTRAL EQUIPMENT OFFICE having problems sending the signal received from 911 to all the tower sites OR receiving the main signal from 911 to send out to the 26 towers sites or EQUIPMENT FAILURE AT THE 911 CENTER.

Either way, no signal was sent. Don’t attempt to blame anyone in particular as it really doesn’t matter who was at fault, the SYSTEM was DOWN.


When is Richard Matason going to admit he is WAY OVER HIS HEAD IN THIS RADIO “ DEAL “, One that did not benefit the county What-So-Ever ! ( I do believe someone benefited from this whole deal, cash wise however I can’t prove it yet )

I know Motorola and Staley Communications made out like a bandit !!

I can understand if a few years back someone pulled the wool over R. Matason’s eyes telling him that this system would be the PERFECT thing for this county and he would come out smelling like a ROSE. Same thing with the commissioners, UNFORTUNATELY that’s not what happened.

This system is junk, Motorola for once has NOT produced it’s own product rather subcontracting the radios and siren activation modules to an outfit in Japan. ( If you have been in EMERGENCY RESPONSE for a few years you will remember the Motorola Radius Portables... again, NOT MADE BY MOTOROLA and a piece of junk but displayed the Motorola Name on them... this is the same thing ! )

Sirens going off when they want to BUT NOT WHEN 911 ACTIVATES THEM, COMMUNICATIONS DOWN FOR HOURS, people CAN’T TALK to each other, T1 phone lines going down, Equipment at 911 BREAKING and in a few cases CATCHING FIRE… and I haven’t even touched on the HORROR STORIES I’VE HEARD !

Mr. Matason has come out smelling, but NOT like a rose !

If Matason and Brammell would only tell the TRUTH about this Cyst-Em perhaps then the County Commissioners would have to do something, like INSTALL a system that DOES work. One that WILL HAVE ALL THE FEATURES WE HAVE NOW, but this time the DAMN THING WILL WORK. ( did someone say 400 Mhz ? )


Quick: Not Working
Item: Fire Station 15 in Herminie has had several calls in the last few days ( weeks, months ) and their FIRE SIREN alarm has FAILED TO ACTIVATE.

I will say that this particular digital fire module HAS sounded the siren on other occasions, but usually NOT when 911 sets it off… it just has a mind of it’s own. WHY does Herminie let that damn thing stay connected ? I don’t know, I’m not the chief. However if I were I’d definitely yank it out !

I have posted an Audio File on my website today for you to listen to. I am not here to WRITE LIES and make people LOOK BAD. The Audio File is the PROOF that I am NOT a liar and as far as the people ( 911 management and the commissioners ) looking bad, they are doing a good enough job making themselves look bad and they do not need my help !


Issue: Blah-gs
Quick: Guest articles
Item: Several people have promised to write articles for the Blah-g however I haven’t seen them yet. I don’t consider this a promise broken as they made the promise to themselves, not me. If you would care to drop me a note on how this Cyst-Em has screwed up when you were on duty I will gladly publish it, anonymously or using your name… that is a decision that I leave up to the person that emails me.


Issue: Activation
Quick: Medic Station 516 is dispatched by phone.
Item: After many attempts and many days, Medic Station 516 still cannot be dispatched by 911. In order for their ambulances to MOVE on a call, 911 has to CALL THEM BY PHONE. Very primitive and very confusing ! After sinking around 40 Million Dollars into this 911 radio system on UPGRADES, 911 can’t dispatch an ambulance station except by phone ?

Someone needs to jump on the Commissioners HEADS to wake them up !


That’s it, I just wish WESTMORELAND CO. COMMISSIONERS AND 911 MANAGEMENT would get their collective heads out of their collective asses and install a new radio system for our first responders !

K3SAM – website - direct link to the audio clips – email me with your tips / comments / etc..

Archie, you are long overdue... please phone home.
Meathead is hungry !!

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