Tuesday, May 16, 2006



Nice Radio Day… someone is receiving Busy Booooops.

A new Talkgroup – Public Safety 5 and at least 7 new radio ID’s have been HOGGING the Westmoreland County Dept. of Emer… hell 911’s Radio Cyst-Em all morning !

This is all Super Secret to the Blah-ger as I’m unclear why 911 would need another Talk Group to use (TG 5) when they have so many others already established.

However when I remember HOW we got this CRAP for a RADIO CYST-EM, and think HOW we are SPENDING tax payers money and knowing how POORLY all the radios were installed AND knowing all the EQUIPMENT BREAK-DOWNS… I guess this doesn’t surprise me.


Anyhow, if you are a fireman, police officer or EMS medic attempting to use your radios this morning and all you got was a BUSY BOOOOOP (like Betty Boop), then you can BLAME this new 911 Talk Group PLUS Building Maintenance, Weights and Measurements AND 2 fire departments on Fire Tac 11 who are using the Cyst-Em for Mic Clicks and Echo Checks. PLUS ALL THOSE DAMN TAXI RIDES MUTUAL AID IS PROVIDING, Van 2 to here, Van 5 there, Van 4 pick-up..., Van 3 drop off...


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