Monday, April 17, 2006


Dead Spots and Happy Trails...

I hope everyone had a very safe and peaceful Easter weekend. With that, let me get started with the latest news.

You might remember I mentioned a few months ago that there was going to be a “BIG MEETING” coming up in Greensburg. Well, half of that meeting as taken place.

What I attempted to do was arrange a meeting between Senator Bob Regola and the Westmoreland County Commissioners along with our 911 Director, Richard Matason.

Senator Regola DID go to Greensburg on my request to see first hand the problems the 911 center is having with the 800 Meggy Hurts equipment ( 800 Mhz ) and did meet with Richard Matason...

HOWEVER THE WESTMORELAND CO. COMMISSIONERS FLAT OUT REFUSED to meet with Senator Regola under any circumstances.

These 3 Commissioners are suppose to be representing YOU and ME. They sure as HELL are not representing me by refusing to meet with Senator Regola !

I called the commissioner’s office and spoke to Linda last week and she said she was "unaware" of the meeting that was suppose to take place. She said she would call me after speaking to the commissioners to explain the reason why all three commissioners refused to meet with Senator Regola.

Linda never called back. Gee, I wonder why ?

Matt at Senator Regola’s office told me that the senator WOULD COME TO GREENSBURG AGAIN to meet with the commissioners should they change their minds.

The senator has been very interested in finding out why this system was put in service when it isn’t nearly completed and was expecting answers from the commissioners. Maybe that’s why the commissioners refused to meet with Senator Regola ?

A copy of the letter the good senator sent Richard Matason (copy to me) is located here, or if clicking there didn’t work, cut and paste this address into your browser.

If Senator Regola does make the trip to Greensburg again just to see the Westmoreland County Commissioners, I will be there. I am very curious as to how the commissioners will answer some of the questions both the senator and I have for them !

In other news: New audio clips have been posted on a fairly regular basis. If you haven’t checked for new audio clips in the last few weeks then you have a surprise coming. Several new clips with some new voices are on there… is yours one of them ?

KDKA in Pittsburgh got a camera inside of the Westmoreland County 911 center and they did an interview with Dan Stevens. Dan was talking about what the county plans on doing about the drought.

My friends, DAN IS IN CHARGE OF ADDRESSING, NOT RAIN CONDITIONS OR THE WEATHER ! Dan’s answer to conserving water in Westmoreland County was not to use it ! Hmmm, that makes sense. Oh, unless you are planting NEW GRASS, then you can use the water.

Perhaps someone forgot to tell Dan that Grass is illegal in most states…

Besides, Dan has enough trouble with addressing... no one knows where they live anymore , 911 is confused when they dispatch ambulances and incorrect fire departments are dispatched to fires because the street addresses are wrong ! Dan need not concern himself with the lack of water in Westmoreland County !

I think KDKA just wanted to get some inside photos of 911 !! Thanks to GMan, he converted the KDKA video into .jpg photos and I have those posted on my website. ( at this time there isn’t a link for this on my home web page, so cut and paste this link for future reference ) - Photos, inside 911

APRIL 18th is LOVE YOUR LOCAL FIRST RESPONDERS DAY. Please DRIVE with your LIGHTS ON and TOOT your HORN when you see a local first responder ( Police / Fire / EMS-Ambulance ).

On the other hand, should you see someone that has one of OUR 800 Meggy Hurts portable radios that shouldn’t have one, like the Commissioners, Park and Courthouse Maintenance, Road Crews, etc… feel free to wish them a happy first birthday.

I AM WAITING ON how the latest winner of the Blah-ger Tips Contest wants his/her name to appear in the Blah-g. A name was pulled and I’m waiting on a reply. Remember, YOU could win a CD filled with audio clips from OUR 800 Mhz just by sending me a tip or comment about OUR 911 center or the Radio Cyst-Em.

Each month a name is pulled from all the tips / comments sent in to the Blah-ger via Once I find out how this winner wants their name to appear on the Blah-g it is announced and a CD is then sent out to the winner unless they wish to pick it up in person. THERE IS NO CHARGE WHAT-SO-EVER to the winner. Not even shipping or the price of the CD !!

Until next time… Happy Trails To Hue !

K3SAM - web site – send in those tips and comments - letter from Senator Regola to Richard Matason - inside the 911 center, PHOTOS ! - Older 911 stuff ( please send in your older stuff for display ! )

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