Friday, November 25, 2005


Government Warts and Arrestors

Just a few words for you on this day after Thanksgiving...


Ok, enough words !

As promised, I have a few things for you this Blah-gisode. Sorry for not being faster but as explained before, I'm an old fart with a wart on my...

The WINNER of the Blah-ger's Tip and Comments Contest for November is DT from Latrobe.


Although DT does not have the CD in hand yet I'm sure a it will be a Big Hit and find a distinguished spot in the family CD Collection. It is packed full of 911 errors, system CRASHES, audio bloopers and just darn 800 Mega Hurts fun !

You can be Decembers winner ! Just turn in a tip or comment about this so called Pubic Safety Radio Cystem and on the 17th of December a name will be pulled from my PA Lottery Hat from all the entries... if that name is yours, YOU WIN.

The only accepted email address for this contest is All tips and comments are welcome !

Just like DT and the Dispatcher at 911, they did not want their real names used so an anonymous name was selected.

Your Tips Are Always Anonymous Here !

I have also updated the file for Motorola Radio Numbers, so if you are using the Pro96Com program on your computer just go to my website and download the new file. It's name is Remember to make a backup of your old file just in case the Xp Goobers corrupt the download.

Next, a new audio file was posted to my website. This one is a bit different as normally I post a completely humorous or totally serious audio file ( actual audio from the Westmoreland Co. Defartment of Pubic Safety ). When I was going through audio files this time I found some audio that was very funny but serious in nature at the same time.

For example, two Ligonier Township police officers were talking many miles apart on their portables when under normal circumstances they cannot talk a block away from each other because of DEAD SPOTS. The conversation between these two officers was BOTH funny and serious at the same time… so I just followed my good judgment and made the whole audio clip the same way.

The file is called 800MegHurtz-24Nov05.mp3 but just click on the file name to hear or download it. 911 keeps a collection of all of my audio clips, you should too !

Remember I use the term DEAD SPOTS… well Ligonier Township is one of the best examples of DEAD SPOTS. It is my guess that at least half of that area is out of the view of a receiving radio tower, and that is all you need to develop these wonderful radio DEAD SPOTS.

Markle, Derry Township, Penn Township, Washington Township, Allegheny Township, Mount Pleasant, Delmont and Irwin are just a FEW of the other areas where OUR 800 Mhz radios will not work properly due to this DEAD SPOT problem.

Another item I would like to point out to new readers of this Blah-g. I am well versed with these communications systems and have 35 years of experience tucked under my bloomers so you do not have to email and give me the proper spelling and abbreviation for Mega Hertz – Mhz.

I use Mega Hurts and Mega Hurtz because our COUNTY GOVERNMENT has turned emergency communications into a LIFE and DEATH guessing game, not knowing whether or not transmissions are going to be heard from Police Officer to Police Officer, or Fire Chief to Fire Fighter.

That really gives public service radio communications a BAD NAME which HURTS all of us, BIG TIME. Thus, Mega Hurts !

You can thank our 911 Director, Deputy Director and Commissioner Balya for NOT FIXING, or even CARING about this DEAD SPOT problem.

Ok, PHOTOS. I have also promised a few photos of our 911 center that I took earlier this month when I was out driving and had my x800 camcorder with me. My camcorder allows “still photos” too so here are a few photos that I downloaded from my camcorder to you.

Top of the tower, complete with direct radio communications to Fox's Pizza.

911 Building, microwave communcations to Fox's Pizza shown here as backup for when the 800 Mega Hurts system fails.

Front entrance to 911 and parking area. Notice the extra large area for pizza deliveries.

Close up view of the park bench where the 911 dispatchers and managers take their smoke breaks, and a place to eat pizza when the weather is good.

Long distance view of the building and base of the building lightning arrestor, otherwise known as the tower.

This antenna sits all by itself on the tower and is used for secret communications between the 911 Directors and Valozzi's Restaurant and used to make top secret dinner reservations... then maybe it's just another antenna, hmmm.


Finally, this vehicle runs off of 800 Mega Hurts signals. That is why you will see it just sitting there, not moving.

I have many more photos that I will eventually post on my website for all to see. In fact a fire fighter friend sent me some photos that I have to post and about 3 or 12 months ago GMan sent me some nice photos that I’ve yet to get up on my site.

If you want someone that does fantastic work, hire me. If you need it done this century, look elsewhere…

Ok, everything was covered I believe.

Check list: Winner of the November Tips Contest, new data files for the Pro96Com program, new audio file for you to listen to, photos from my camcorder, more info on DEAD SPOTS… and that’s it.

Have a safe and good weekend, remember this is still a holiday so there will be drunks and idiots ( and drunken idiots ) on the road, be careful !


http://800.k3sam.comweb site for everything
www.k3sam.comwell, web site for everything else
news@k3sam.comtips / comments / left over Turkey / info email address - Listen to live 800 Mega WC Hurts broadcasts on your computer from home, work or your personal airplane.

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