Monday, September 05, 2005

There will not be a Blah-g today
as it is LABOR DAY

I can rest easy this weekend knowing that I've have tried, and will keep on trying to get this radio system fixed or replaced with a better system for all who depend on it.

On the other hand I wonder how 911 Management and the Westmoreland County Commissioners can sleep at all, EVER - knowing that at anytime the system could CRASH AGAIN just when there is a major fire, heart attack or police chase in the county.

God Bless All and Please Drive Safely. If you know a Policeman, Medic or Firefighter, please take time to shake their hand and tell them how much you appreciate their service to you and our county.

If you know a Commissioner or someone in 911 Management, please kindly kick them in the behind and ask them why they keep covering up this multi-million dollar mistake. It is fixable and no one has to hide or lie about it as they are now.

K3SAM - your EZ Guide to our county radio system - email me

(to my knowledge the Bear Cave Tower Site is still down from it's last CRASH)

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