Monday, September 26, 2005



NOW THAT WAS AN EXCELLENT POST ! Thank you, however I must comment on it as I feel you and other readers definitely have the wrong concept of this Blah-g.

Let me post the last comment with my explanations included.

+ + + + +

EXACTLY! There's always 2 sides to the story. From the people I've talked to it seems to be working ok and they really have no complaints.I speak to several fire and police chiefs that are very dissatisfied with the DEAD SPOTS and the Digi-Crap (the name I call the digital noise that the radio picks up when the whole transmission data stream isn’t received). This also includes many Policemen, Firemen, and EMS personnel in general. The people you talk to and those that I talk to do have a disagreement.This site is so biased it's unbelievable--if you're going to provide information you need to do it in an objective manner.

I disagree. I attempt to provide other sides to this system however when the commissioners and 911 management refuse to comment it is hard to provide another side. The things that I do not know about I search daily for the answers, however it is hard with everyone so tight lipped.

I find it interesting that when the blag-h first started there was really no mention of any problems, but when personal problems with 911 mangement came into play; all of a sudden the system turns into a piece of garbage literally overnight!

The Blah-g stated out when two officers from Washington Township began using the system is their personal intercom, no one was officially on the system yet. It was funny and fun to write about. There were no problems to write about at that time as no one knew just how many DEAD SPOTS would show up once more portables were handed out and cars were equipped with radios.

Once the county began installing these radios and stations were put on the air officially, DEAD SPOTS were found everywhere and communications were half-assed at best (where they are now). My comments about 911 management ARE NOT PERSONAL, they are indeed PROFESSIONAL. I do not know Rich, Mark, Dan and most others at the center so HOW could it be personal. Joe N. is the only one up there in management that I know personally AS A FRIEND. He and I speak however about the things friends would talk about, NOT ABOUT THIS SYSTEM.

If 911 Management WOULD COMMENT on this system and explain the problems they are having ON THE RECORD then I would have nothing to yell and scream about, would I. Let them explain the DEAD SPOTS, DOA RADIOS OUT OF THE BOX and all the other issues I have brought up.


Are there some problems? Yes, but every new system is going to have them--the kinks need time to be addresed and worked out. Think about it-you went from a low band simplex system using 1940's technology with at the most 2 channels to an 800 system that's digital and has hundreds of talkgroups. The users of the system need time to adjust and learn the ropes. If you're going to post what people's comments about the system are, do so from an unbiased standpoint.

You do NOT put a system on line when there are KINKS, it could COST SOMEONE THEIR LIFE ! You work out the KINKS THEN put everyone on line, PERIOD.

There have been people in the county who have opposed ANY change in the radio system since day one. Outrage is shown over dead spots with the new system-where was that outrage all of these years when taxpayer money was used to maintain the LOW BAND system that you couldn't talk squat to 911 or anyone else more than a mile from you?

I am only commenting on THIS system, not the LOW BAND system. Let’s leave that go until this system is discussed to hell and back.

TAC channels are unsafe for communiations?

TAC channels are ONLY UNSAFE for FIRE GROUND COMMUNICATIONS, please FOLLOW my Blah-gs and don’t take words out of context.

You DO have talkaround capability, use it if you desire to! I guess that having Somerset, Cambria, Indiana, Fayette,other Dispatches from Westmoreland, not to mention skip from all over stepping over you on 33.70 is much safer, isn't it?

I don’t have ANY 911 radio capabilities, I am RETIRED RADIO MAINTENANCE looking out for those using this new system. Or do you mean this system ? I think it's great we get away from all the other services HOWEVER 800 Mhz was NOT the way to go. ANY RADIO ENGINEER THAT KNOWS THIS TERRAIN WILL TELL YOU THAT. Don't be so bullheaded or do you work for the county or Motorola ?

Focus on the system's good and bad points, and plausible ways it can be improved--the idea of switching to 400 MHZ UHF after all of the equipment has been installed in vehicles, towers, etc. is just asinine. I hope that the blag-h will one day return to its original configuration as a reliable, unbiased source for info-right now there are other site that currently do a much better job.

As I mentioned, EXCELLENT POST. Allowing you to even reply to my Blah-g is an OPTION that I TURNED ON. I set it up this way on purpose so that OTHERS LIKE YOURSELF CAN POST RESPONSIBLE replies and comments.

Hell, I even let that idiot post here and he keeps calling me a jackass. Hmmm, it's funny BUT I KNOW WHO THEY ARE... emails and inside information are wonderful.

Posting good things about this system can be done in one sentence.

It sounds good when it works.

I won’t get into talkgroups or other items at the moment because there is more involved then just saying we have 100’s of talkgroups (you can only use 10 at a time !).

VHF or 400 Mhz was the way we SHOULD HAVE GONE but the BRAIN that set this up apparently had access to more 800 Mhz radios than 400 Mhz ones. Switching to 400 Mhz might seem asinine to you BUT HAVING SOMEONE DIE OVER THIS SYSTEM IS EVEN MORE ASININE, wouldn’t you agree ?

All my other comments have been covered in the many Blah-gs that I have written. 8 0 0 is B A D for W C, P E R I O D !

Thanks again !

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