Thursday, September 22, 2005


Little Boogies

Just a few short Boogies for you from the Boogie Blah-ger.

First: I spent a few hours updating my website (see, can't do everything at once) so you will find some small changes on the site and the site.

Second: I was approached by someone to "buy" one of my famous audio CD's filled with audio clips from 911. These are the same ones I give away each month during our "tip and comments" contest.

I don't know what or who is up to this HOWEVER these are NOT FOR SALE for several reasons.

First, it is against the law for me to sell audio clips of 911.

Second, I do not wish to make any money on the crap that is said on our 800 Mhz Money Pit.

Third, most of them are POSTED on my website for you to DOWNLOAD for FREE.

So remember, I do not sell anything.

I often wondered how these companies get away with selling audio clips of the September 11th attack in New York. In my opinion that is illegal !

So if you want one of my clips, just go to my website and download it. It is copyrighted however it is FREE to all.

Now and then I will offer a new CD that I create to the Police, EMS, and Firemen like I did a few weeks ago. Again those were all FREE.

I have no idea where some of these idiots get their facts but it sure as hell isn't from the 911 dispatchers and supervisors like I get mine.

God Bless for now and right now (and you know I don't lie) I'm waiting on a call from Washington D.C. I hope to be able to tell you more later.

K3SAM - website - tips and comments

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