Wednesday, September 07, 2005

No Blah-g this morning as I have been busy burning CD's and editing audio clips all day... and all of the night.
If anything big happens later this morning or if someone can find a can of DEAD SPOT PAINT (so we can paint the areas that this 800 Mhz Radio Doesn't Work in) then I'll post a Blah-g for this afternoon. Otherwise and don't you ever forget... these Blah-gs are like pimples, they can pop up anytime... you just can't sqeeze them.
If there were such a thing as Dead Spot Paint we Wouldn't be able to see 10 feet in front of us as there would be PAINT everywhere !!!
I will have several new audio clips to post on my website today so keep checking. The new clips will include the conclusion to the 911 CRASH of 05 July 05.
Remember, if you are a fireman, medic or police officer and you would like a copy of the latest CD (see my Blah-g for yesterday for details) you only have until noon to send me an email - .
Everything else is the same as it every was, nothing has changed and all remains the same, it just doesn't get any better than this... does it ?
K3SAM - audio clips and more
news@k3sam - email me - remember, that site might not work as it was created by the same person that developed the Westmoreland County Radio System That Crashes All The Time !