Saturday, August 20, 2005



It is definitely morning as I am writing this ! Just looked outside to see where the Sun was and it wasn’t.

In what little time I had at the Booger Operations Center on Friday I did manage to get some good audio clips recorded that will require editing but more importantly I had some time to do some editing of recordings on file and I posted one file to the website.

The audio file is of recent audio and only lasts about a minute. It consists of your normal 911 mass confusion. Things like ambulances having problems contacting 911, do you want the medical helicopter in the air or just on stand-by (or would you like ketchup on that burger) and also some interesting 911 on-the-air quotes.

Remember, in order for me to post anything new on this Blah-g I have to have new stuff. That means that if my inside sources are quiet and you aren’t telling me anything then there won’t be anything to write about. Got it ?


I have not had a chance to personally read the Motorola / Westmoreland County Radio Contract yet that I posted on my website however others have.

Two items of importance is that first, the format it was posted in cannot be read by all.

Frank, a regular reader of the BLAH-G submitted the contract in .pdf format which all computers can read. If you don’t have a PDF reader you will be automatically prompted to download it from their site.

The PDF reader is FREE.

That way you will be able to see where your MILLIONS of hard earned dollars supposedly went to.

Staley Contract:

Thanks Frank !

We all know by now that besides buying radio equipment that doesn’t work properly we have spend hundreds of thousands of dollars more for items that we just did not need !

I often wondered if Westmoreland County was paying for the Taco Bell lunches the 911 Supervisors enjoy so much ?

The other thing Frank brought up while reading this contract is that the items LISTED in the item description area of the contract IS NOT what we received !

The plot just seems to thicken and thicken and it was already too hard to cut with a knife. If it gets any thicker we might have to call 911 for HELP !

Well, besides the rich getting richer, the radio users getting used, and the BLAH-GER getting Blah-ged, nothing else is new. Instead of me writing about how bad things are with the NEW Radio System in Westmoreland County Pennsylvania I just ask you to go now and listen to the new audio clip that I just uploaded, then when you get some time this weekend go back and read some of the older BLAH-G’s as nothing has changed, same old same old.

Or as it was better put in a song, “Same as it ever was” !

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