Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Dear Ladies and Genitles,
This Afternoodle, instead of a writing a long news letter I am going to focus my time on preparing several items for tonight’s big edition. As you can see from my greeting that I still have a since of humor however I am going to have to start separating some of the humor from the serious, some things are just getting way out of hand.
I have, with the aid of your tips uncovered something big which should be upsetting to any tax payer in Westmoreland County. I am working on that this noon time.
If you are in management at 911 I will be calling today. Whether you take my call or not is up to you but I will also be reporting on that later tonight also.
It is about time I start mentioning names ! This hinting around when we are talking about peoples lives and millions of dollars is over.
With that I’m back to the research department with an attempt to verify some facts.
Should you be in 911 Management or County Government you may email me if you wish concerning this system and it's ever-growing list of problems. It is better if you tell me than if I have to be tipped off. Should you be reading this and you are not in management I would love to hear your tips.
Guide to Westmoreland County's Radio System
Listen Live From Your Home or Work Over Your Computer - Thanks To GMan ! Another Responsible and Concerned Westmoreland County Tax Payer.