Saturday, July 16, 2005




I told you I would add some more. I’ll make it a bit juicy this time as I was holding back on you.


Prior to the 800 Mhz Deal with Taley Communications, fire companies within Westmoreland County (WC) were free to use any radio maintenance company they wanted for their radio repairs, as it should be. From what I understand that is not the case now.

From information received at the booger desk, WC fire companies are now instructed to use only Spaley Communications as their one source for all radio maintenance and repair.

That isn’t fair to the independent radio maintenance companies like the one I use to run nor is it fair to the fire companies who would like to receive a cheaper repair bill.

That is an attempt to force one company on all, a monopoly ! Hello Bell Telephone.

I have had emails from two different fire companies that have received their new 800 Mhz Base Radios and they are useless because in one case the radio isn’t programmed right and in the other case the radio just doesn’t work, a DOA and Skapey’s will not replace or repair it. A NEW RADIO, BROKEN ? In attorney talk that is Radidious Crapoamonus.

You can even get your new car’s oil changed by an independent local garage type business without voiding your factory warranty ! Whatz up with that ? Why not let XYZ Company work on the other radios or the antennas, give them some cash too !

Now in the case of the new radio being broken, that radio should have been replaced immediately ! Doesn’t Maley’s check these things out after installation ?

In the case where a radio was programmed wrong it should have been reprogrammed the correct way the very next day. You don’t just leave it sitting there for months, useless as a wart on a frog !

Ok, to sum this up for Rutley’s for Monday morning… you know which radio needs reprogrammed because they have been complaining to you, and the base radio at MARKLE needs replaced, the one in the hall. (see, I used their name this time because a birdie told me I could… the other fire company declined).

I will follow both cases and update the masses as needed.


Just because this Booger is sometimes called Sam doesn’t mean you guys and gals on the police forces have to start using that in your phonetics all the time !

That’s all I hear now when you spell things out, like for STOP you are saying “Sam Tango Oscar Papa” ! Why Sam ? Why not Stud, Stretch, Sticky, Spud, SummerHouseInWashington, Soup, Slime, Slick, or Silly.

For the word GO I don’t hear you say “GMan Oscar”. Or a vanity registration of SAGGY you would say “Sam Alpha Golf Golf Yankee”, what happened to the Sierra ?

If you have to use Sam, then please use other names too like: example above “Sam Amy George GMan Yoder”. Yes Yoder, that was in a different life. She had 3 arms, really big wart on her cheek and two heads.

~ my second wife ~


Recently 911 has been called by the cars and portables from all over WC and 911 has not been answering. In some cases I’ve seen 2 minutes go by without an answer back from 911. What gives ?

At least the other cars are hearing those requests and asking if the person calling 911 is 10-4 (ok, alright, code 4, okedokee, fine, in good health, tip top shape, sawright, fantastic, great, wonderful…).

The only thing I can say 911 is GET YOUR EARS CLEANED.

That simple call for a 10-27 or 10-28 could have been for an officer down ! and you wouldn’t have heard a thing ! Those calls have been heard here and timed at this location, in fact at any location but 911.

The troops in the field know what I’m talking about !!

Since I started writing this blah-g it has happened TWICE MORE !! Another reason that people should do RADIO CHECKS before you start your shifts !!


Speaking of who’s at bat, here’s something to cheer up your Saturday…

Bats & Balls

An Irishman moves to the USA and finally attends his first baseball game.The first batter approached the batters' box, took a few swings and then hits a double.

Everyone was on their feet screaming, "Run! Run!"

The next batter hits a single and the Irishman listened as the crowd again cheered, "RUN, RUN!"

The Irishman enjoyed the game and began screaming with the fans. The fifth batter came up and four balls went by. The umpire called "walk"and the batter started his slow trot to first base.

The Irishman stood up and screamed, "R-R-Run ye lazy bastard, run!" The people around him began laughing. Embarrassed, the Irishman sat backdown.

A friendly fan noted the man's embarrassment, leaned over and explained,"He can't run -- he's got four balls."

The Irishman stood up and screamed, "Walk with pride, lad!"


Sorry, the Next subject is Palzey’s again. Sorry but that is where it appeared on my list of things gone wrong.

(From Information Received)

Get this, a tech from Daley’s went to install a mobile radio and the location on the fuse panel in the truck where the radio was to get connected to didn’t have a fuse.

The fireman that was there to babysit the tech was told that the fuse cost $1.27 and that the county would NOT pay for that.

Further, the technician stated that he would NOT install the radio until the fuse was paid for !

MY WORD, is the County of Gestmoreland is too poor to buy a $1.27 fuse ?

MY WORD, isn't Wailey Communications rich enough off this damn contract already that they can’t afford to give away a $1.27 fuse away ?

Remember now folks, Paley said the fuse was $1.27, THAT’S RETAIL. Wholesale cost would be roughly $.38 to $.48 cents if that.

I’m glad WalMart isn’t run by Folley Communications ! I’d be paying $72.00 for a PACK of cigarettes and $29.00 for a LOAF of bread.



Something else I picked up on ( 911’s printer doesn’t work ? Just came over the scanner.. FLASH, 911’s printer doesn’t work ! Holy Paper Jam BatMan !! ) when I was editing an audio clip last night… all the dead air on the 10 trillion dollar radio system Craley’s sold us.

Can we do something with this DEAD AIR ? Dead Air = time system is not in use.

How about renting out space to local paging customers ? I’ll be the first to tell you that I’m not familiar with the 800 Mhz aftermarket products but there has to be something to the effect of a pager you can carry that would work in the county… well, maybe not. The radios don’t work half the time.

Maybe have a Bob and Bill Show on an upper unused Talk Group ? Like TG 400. They could play your favorite songs and play advertisements for the fire companies that are struggling to make ends meet (volunteer, remember).

A car wash here, gun raffle there… do something like Youngwood FD does and raffle off a new sports car, SUV or jeep ! But advertise it on TG 400 in-between “Don’t it make my brown eyes blue” and “Fire” by Arthur Brown !

See, and I could even be program director and GMan could be General Manager… or do I have that bass-ackwards ?

I’m surprised that the National Weather Service isn’t broadcasting on one of the talk groups. Did I mention that before ? Oh OH … POLKAS, yes polkas on TG 401 with Joey P.


Your portable is ready, did you get it programmed and delivered yet ?


Your radio in the ER sounded fine.


Enjoyed meeting your listeners in the chat mode the other night on your WC 911 live streaming audio page. Was a nice chat session, hope to do it again !


Your radio was in use this morning at 7:05:55 AM, are you working today ?? Good Morning !
= = = = = =
That’s it, up all night as usual for this BLAH-GER getting you the skoop of the phinest poop.

Breakfast includes: Six slices of Indian wheat bread with homemade butter and a roast beef sandwich courtesy of Allegheny Township Police… mooove over ! Also a bucket of orange pulps covered in ketchup, makes for a happy orange side dish. Beverage: Green Pea Tea w/sugar and salt.


Live Streaming Audio - GMan's website

800 Mhz Guide

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