Wednesday, July 27, 2005




How about 2 Blah-gs with-in a few hours … if that’s too much for you I apologize.

We had another doozy of a thunderstorm go through Westmoreland County (WC) again last night and I know the Western half of WC got the worst of it.

Trees, branches and power lines down, houses struck by lightning, trees burning, brush fires and higher wind took a toll on New Ken, Lower and Upper Burrell, and Arnold. The City of Trobes only got 4,003 drops of rain, light cloud to jeep lightning and 4 MPH wind.

We were spared.


Now, to the RADIO SYSTEM. Man what a piece of CRAPOLA !


What I heard last night was...

personnel from several fire departments having problems hearing each other...

a bunch of them were transmitting on the DISPATCH TalkGroup (TG) 200 or the wrong TG altogether...

weak output volume on 911 DISPATCH on what appeared to be several dispatch consoles...

the actual Motorola Trucking System switched Control Channels almost as fast as Lance Armstrong peddles his bike…


and again the Police were calling and waiting for answers !

I was watching it here (Eastern), and GMan was watching it on his end (Western) !

Let me say that WE, you and me Mr. and Mrs. Westmoreland Wasted-Money, Paid MILLIONS of dollars for a system that sounds like this !

CLICK HERE FOR ACTUAL TRANSMISSION < --- a must hear audio clip !

Motorola has always been the leader in business and public safety communications except when they released the Radius el Cheapo Radio Line. That was bad. They did that in order to compete in price with companies like Maxon, Force and Standard.

I hate to say this but I believe Motorola has released another Radius with their XTS series. Besides, those radios and the system as a whole have been having serious problems since it was put on line.

Brand New Radios are being returned to Motorola Greensburg for service already and THEY ARE NEW ! New Radios going in for service ! This is UN-HEARD-OF !!

Just last night it was determined that New Kensington's Radio in 9-15 needs replaced already ! I've never heard of this in all of my 30 + years in commercial radio repair.

There is another angle of this whole thing with the radios that SCARES me !

The police officers reading this will understand what I’m talking about here for sure.

Officer Buddy is out of view in a car at the end of the block. He is backing up Officer Goodman who is inside a building 3 doors down waiting on a perpetrator to enter.

All of a sudden Goodman gets jumped from behind. He grabs for his radio and shouts to Buddy for help. Buddy never hears him because the portable is in a dead spot and Buddy is only hearing transmissions that come over the trunked repeater. ( Radio to Radio does not work when in the TRS mode ! )

Last resort Officer Goodman pushes his emergency button… which also doesn’t work.

Can someone explain to me how this is a good radio system ?

How about a fireman who is in a burning building and orders are given to evacuate, and he never hears the orders because the tower covering his area is down or he is in a dead spot ? What happens when the building collapses ?

How about a medic who needs to receive instructions from a hospital (the switch-over isn’t that far away) and the receive cuts out because he is in MARKLE where there is Known Dead Spots or Near The Westmoreland / Indiana County Line and there is SPOTTY coverage.

Cut off from medical instructions ?

Prior to this system being put in, NONE OF THE ABOVE WOULD HAVE HAPPENED. With this system things like this have happened already and it’s just a matter of time before it happens again.

This is not fictional, this is fact.



And again a source has told me that another tower went down (out of service) during these latest storms. How often does this have to happen before 911 takes action ?


This is how I look at it. The County Commissioners should have researched this county’s terrain a tad better before signing any contract for 800 Mhz communications !

Perhaps with another 20 towers and redundant T1 data telephone service we might stand a chance of having this thing working.

As it stands now I do NOT see this Radio System getting that much better.

At least one more tower is to be put on line but that is not going to correct the overall system.

I only wish I was in on the meetings prior to this nightmare being put in place. I only wish…

I am not upset with any one person at WC 911 nor do I have anything against any of the dispatchers. If the equipment worked properly it would be a lot easier for the dispatchers when performing their jobs.

I don’t have anything against any one person at Staley Communications either, I just think that if they were doing their jobs this system would be working, right ?

I don’t want this radio system to fail nor am I against Motorola Products. It may sound that way but that’s only because the system is not working and the products happen to be Motorola.

If it requires more money to do this project properly then get the money. If we need more towers, put them up. Redundant T1 data service, put it in.

Just do it !


ps: no breakfast menu this morning... I'm not hungry after writing this.

At 03:22:30 this date, Car 1-5 was WEAK into the 911 center. (please review your tapes - not weak here)

I would like to know how it can be weak when MILLIONS OF DOLLARS and ALL THOSE TECHNICAL HIGH HATS told you it wouldn't be.


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