Saturday, June 25, 2005



I sincerely hope that Westmoreland County didn’t have anything happen last night as this WC Booger Blah-ger went to bed at 11 PM Friday and didn’t get up until the Saturday 7 AM shift. I feel refreshed and I’m ready to tackle the world, or at least this county.

If you are a police officer, EMT or firefighter and had anything happen during your shift last night, you must send me an email with the details because I finally got some sleep. Failure to do so will place you on the boogy list. We wouldn’t want that now, would we ?


Yes, this would be a great day to wear shorts with the temperature going to hit 94 and above but that’s not the shorts I was going to refer to… WC Shorts.

911 yesterday called several times for Manor Police Car 1-22 when they were finally told by Manor that they had car numbers 1-21 and 1-23, not 1-22. Strange, even my website shows 21 and 22 but no 23 ? Maybe we have to have a sit down with Manor Police ?

I have been asked to post more audio clips on my website or here. I plan on doing all three ! Yes three. I will post more here and on the website PLUS I will make an easy to navigate menu page so you can see what’s currently available to listen to. Just go with the flow, I have been busy updating some of the outdated web pages plus this Blah-g and on top of that I have to keep GMan and Scotty J. in their places !

WC Book. I am also in the beginning stages of making a scanner book on Westmoreland County. I don’t believe one was needed before but now with several hundred Talkgroups (TG) on record, new 800 frequencies, car number designators, many new antenna sites, and all that new stuff perhaps now would be a good time as I am constantly hunting and grabbing at reference material laying in the Booger Bins. A book would be so much easier.

LATROBE POLICE Frequency 154.740 Mhz has been used several times lately by the Pennsylvania State Police. Why ? Because they are trying to get a hold of the Latrobe Police, simple huh. I don’t know why they wanted to talk to the Latrobe PD (they don’t include me on stuff like that) but it would seem to me that it would benefit everyone involved if Latrobe PD would just keep their VHF radios ON. After all, Latrobe in theory can call the PSP on 154.740 anytime and they would receive an answer BECAUSE the PSP monitor it. I don’t know about the other cities and boroughs as I don’t monitor them.


Where does your fire station stand ? If you are not on line with the new 800 Mhz System, has Staley Communications installed all the equipment yet and have you been given a date when you will be switched over from your old frequencies to the new TG’s ? Let the BB know !



Thanks to the many that sent me an email answering the question of what the ambulance dispatch codes E1 through E3 mean. Everyone that guessed was also correct.

E1 – Emergency Call, Expedite
E2 – Emergency
E3 – Non-Emergency

Thus, exactly opposite for the state and local police;

Code 1 – Non-Emergency
Code 2 – Emergency
Code 3 – Expedite, Kick Serious Ass

So there you have it. I know that quite a few firefighters, medics, police officers, and 911 dispatchers read this Blah-g everyday, if you have a question that you would like answered just send it to and I’ll post it. Usually one of them will respond with the correct answer. Unless requested the name of the persons requesting and answering will not be posted.


This Blah-ger has calls into “old friends” that now have positions at the Westmoreland County 911 Center. I have also spoke to another person of high authority at the center that I don’t know personally in an attempt to have some general questions answered about the new system. He did speak to me however was busy at the time and took down my number. I am almost positive that I should be receiving a call within the next few days from at least one of the head honchos up there. The more I know the more I can tell everyone !

On the record, the people who are in charge of our 911 Radio System are:


Richard Matason, Director
Mark Brammell, Deputy Director
Saundra Singer, Executive Secretary


Joseph Niedzalkoski, Chief of Communications
Pat Bauer, Supervisor
Glenn Cramer, Supervisor
Tony Matuszky, Supervisor
Ed Milliron, Supervisor
Clayton Murphy, Supervisor


J. Robert Ceroni, Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator
Bill Fleming, Chief Training Officer, Clean/NCIC Administrator
Harley Gray, Hazardous Materials Planning Coordinator
Jeff Fait, Fire Safety Coordinator
William R. Wright, HAZMAT Chief
Gail Kunkle, Clerk Typist
Dave Wright, Police QA Supervisor
Mike Burke, Fire QA Supervisor
Dan Stevens, Addressing Coordinator
Deborah Baughman, Addressing and Mapping

In a previous BLAH-G I listed all of the Emergency Coordinators and their areas so no need to do that again.


If you are reading this AND serving our country overseas AND from Westmoreland Co. PA I would like to hear from you. Please let me know where you are stationed and what city or borough you are from. That way I can post articles and happening about your area.

Send to:


Dispatcher Bill is working entirely too much and needs a PAID vacation ! Double shift today, at least 911 is air conditioned to the gill !

I know, let's send Bill to Rome and then Paris ! I hope he doesn't have to pay extra when he is in Roam, then in France he can stay with Paris Hilton... or is that the Hilton in Paris. Either way, get some rest and we will see you at 19:00 Bill.

Snuf fer now, perhaps too much ?




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